
就说这场名为“Heart by Heart 与心同行”的慈善音乐会,是Tony和同学Jason发起,为帮助欠发达地区的儿童筹款,打造阅读空间的项目。
Jason对商科非常感兴趣,也早已确定了自己的专业方向,于是主动负责起筹款、捐赠、采购等环节。Tony 则负责他擅长的音乐演奏部分。
如果说2024是AI申请元年,AI开始大规模参与美本申请,从“AI 生成文书”到“录取标准模糊化”,每一个关键词都足以让申请者焦虑不已。
赫德有一句slogan:“Passion aways wins!”我们始终相信“热爱至上”的力量,感谢Tony,在你身上的实践,让我们对教育的坚持更有信心了。
我们也默默地观察着,SAST(Student as teachers)社团的“教育工作者”们去到河北省阳原二中,给百名学生现场上了一堂经济学课;翩翩少女社团在全校发起女性互助盒计划,沐者咖啡社团每周五准时营业,势将云南咖啡豆带向世界…
1月9日是Jimmy Page的生日,那天Tony在自己的朋友圈中祝偶像生日快乐。

The term "emotional stability," which has been trending over the past couple of years, appears to have swiftly turned into a sought - after mental state for all. In our estimation, it perfectly encapsulates Tony.
Once he settled on his academic path in Grade 10, Tony commenced working on his music portfolio with unwavering focus and intensity.
In August 2024, he was well ahead of his classmates with a 90% completion rate. However, the application season's most dreaded event transpired: a computer glitch nearly wiped out his entire project.
Faced with a deadline of less than three months to submit his application materials, what was the plan?
"Start over," Tony proposed. His casual demeanor belied a resolute determination. This confidence stemmed from the countless hours of practice and the ability to handle unexpected situations with ease. At HDBJ, the abundance of stages, both large and small, provided ample opportunities for such "mishaps" to occur.

The weekly departmental gatherings are student - driven; following the art festival, the winter show debuts fresh acts; for the charity concert, encompassing planning, composing, marketing, and rehearsing... "music" appears to permeate the entire journey of learning, activities, and personal development, offering valuable experience.
Consider the charity concert titled "Heart by Heart," which was spearheaded by Tony and his classmate Jason. It aimed to fundraise for children in less - developed regions to establish reading spaces.
Given Jason's keen interest in business and his clear major direction, he proactively assumed responsibility for fundraising, donations, and purchasing. Tony, on the other hand, focused on his forte, the musical performance.
Yet, on the day of the show, the theater's equipment failed. Undeterred and under pressure, Tony delivered his performance with the large screen pitch - black. Isn't this a prime demonstration of "the power of music"?
HDBJ doesn't insist on "perfection." Instead, it welcomes and tolerates these "surprises," enabling students to undergo training and development amidst genuine, dynamic, and imperfect circumstances – this is the nurturing ground we offer.
Should 2024 mark the dawn of the AI - driven application era, where AI starts to significantly impact the admissions process for US colleges, from "AI - crafted essays" to the "ambiguity of admission standards," each term is sufficient to induce anxiety in applicants.
Thankfully, top - tier institutions now place less emphasis on mere academic records and more on the fit between the school and the student, the student's "genuineness," the "alignment" of their goals and endeavors, and their capacity for profound contemplation and in - depth exploration.
As the university admissions officer inquired of Tony during the interview, "What are your thoughts on 'your major'?"
"My sole aim is to delve deeply into and excel at this particular pursuit."
With a defined objective, proactively engaging in learning, and remaining undisturbed by unforeseen issues like computer malfunctions or screen failures, this "growth trajectory" fostered at HDBJ could well serve as a model application for the AI - driven admissions era.
So, where does a clear - cut goal originate from?
At HDBJ High School, there are two music instructors. One is an alumnus of Berklee College of Music, well - acquainted with music technology and engineering. The other hails from New Orleans, the cradle of jazz, and excels at improvisational performance. Tony's choice of major was somewhat influenced by these two teachers, but initially upon joining HDBJ, the narrative didn't unfold as it does today.
From a young age, he was "urged" by his father to take up the guitar, only to "abandon" it in junior high due to the weight of academic demands. "Thankfully," his parents' alignment with HDBJ's educational philosophy led to him becoming an inaugural student in the middle school division at HDBJ.

Tony, who began learning guitar at a young age.
Emerging from the seemingly bottomless pit of homework and the perennially unsatisfactory grades in junior high, where teachers seemed to focus solely on whether one's rank could "cross the threshold"... After finishing the second year of junior high, Tony opted to join HDBJ, only to be pleasantly surprised that the teachers genuinely cared about his interests and encouraged the development of his talents, allocating an entire class period each day before school ended for students to explore from a vast array of extracurricular activities (VCA)... Students were even empowered to "initiate" brand - new clubs, allowing them to engage in shared passions with a cohort of "like - minded" peers.
This significant shift was a delightful revelation for Tony. Consequently, upon officially enrolling at HDBJ in Grade 9, he resolved to rekindle his love for the guitar. Bolstered by the temporal and spatial opportunities provided by VCA sessions and club engagements, Tony elected music as his elective, formed his own band, and found himself repeatedly, innumerable times, on stages where he could truly savor the experience.

Tony engages in performances and exchanges with his bandmates.
Beyond the incremental gains in academic achievement, "rekindling passion" represents a transformation we are particularly eager to witness. It's hard to fathom the number of children who forsake their passions, and with them, their innate strengths and talents, succumbing to the pressures of schoolwork. Thus, at HDBJ, assisting adolescents like Tony, on the cusp of twelve, in identifying their aspirations for when they turn eighteen, stands as one of the most rewarding aspects of education, as we perceive it.
Subsequent to "discovery" comes "perseverance." We motivate our students to relentlessly venture forth on the path of their passions, carving out a unique trajectory that can lead to significant accomplishments. Our role is to furnish an abundance of top - notch resources.
The one - on - one music lessons tailored for Tony at HDBJ, consisting of five sessions per week, have been ongoing for a span of one years.

1V1 music course
Upon revisiting Tony's portfolio, one is struck by its rich and varied content, spanning genres like pop, experimental, ambient electronic, and even programming. He weaves his comprehension of diverse musical styles into his creations, leveraging programming to facilitate audio interactivity, thereby "cultivating" robust innovative and technical prowess during his high school years.
HDBJ espouses a mantra: "Passion always wins!" Our unwavering belief in the primacy of passion has been reinforced by Tony's endeavors, bolstering our conviction in our educational pursuits.
Tony's mother shared a touching anecdote: On an evening ride home, Tony noticed an elderly gentleman vending sweet potatoes by the road. He promptly called his mother, inquiring, "May I purchase all the sweet potatoes left on his cart?" His intent was to enable the old man to return home sooner. This youngster, ever keen on projecting an image of coolness, conceals a tender and compassionate soul.
Ciara, his teacher, also recounted an addendum to Tony's charity concert narrative. With the earnings from his performance, he procured anti - collision strips and mosquito nets, quietly "guarding" the children in need of both assistance and attention. The act of propagating goodwill reflects the value of "benevolence" inherent in HDBJ's ethos. It's truly gratifying to witness HDBJ's students transition from the campus environment, moving from awareness to active engagement in such values.
We've been quietly observing as well; the "pedagogues" from the SAST (Student as Teachers) club ventured to Yangyuan No. 2 Middle School in Hebei Province, delivering a live economics lesson to a hundred students. The Fluttering Girls club launched a school - wide initiative for a women's mutual aid box. The Mu Zhe Coffee club punctually opens for business every Friday, resolute in their mission to introduce Yunnan coffee beans to the global stage.
The Chinese children's edition of The New York Times dedicated a special report to the student clubs of HDBJ in its September 2024 issue. The students began with nothing, igniting creativity, actualizing concepts, forging connections, and overcoming obstacles, organically cultivating the wisdom and courage to act, edging closer to the genuine and expansive realm of social life.
There's an abundance of wonderful aspects in education. What brings us immense solace is witnessing the children "nurtured" by HDBJ develop a keen perception of others' needs and engage in endeavors that hold genuine value for their peers.
January 9 marks Jimmy Page's birthday, and on this day, Tony extended birthday wishes to his idol within his social media circle.
Tony, known for his "emotional stability," is still immersed in his academic journey at HDBJ. Even over the recent weekend, he could be found performing with his band across various stages, both on and off campus. Throughout his three - year tenure at HDBJ, it's likely that neither he nor his parents envisioned a guitar as the key to unlocking the doors of a world - class institution. The catalyst for turning this key has been the "passion" residing within him, fostered by the nurturing environment that HDBJ provides.
Regardless, we extend our best wishes to Tony, hoping that on the path of passion, he will always have the opportunity to play for his own sake.
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