Keep Learning 新课标背景下,教师与AI的碰撞 | CEP双语小学部
This semester, under the theme "Teaching Innovation and Practice in the Context of the New Curriculum", a series of sharing sessions ranging from multidisciplinary teaching reform to AI-enabled education, and from excellent teachers to education experts, brought all the teachers of the CEP Bilingual Primary School full of dry goods!
Generative AI powers the future of education
The highlight session came from the deep integration of AI and education - Prof. Jiao Jianli from South China Normal University shared a new and intelligent perspective on educational innovation.
As an authoritative expert in artificial intelligence and education research, Prof. Jiao Jianli's keynote speech "The Application of Generative AI in Education" opened the door to AI-enabled education. He talked about the historical development of AI technology and analyzed in detail the specific applications of generative AI in educational scenarios:
1. 教学设计的革新:生成式AI能极大提升教师的备课效率,焦教授以AI一对一辅导系统为例,展示了如何快速生成个性化教学内容,为每位学生量身打造学习方案。
2. 智能工具的使用:他重点介绍了多款AI辅助工具,包括智能PPT制作、电子奖状生成、互动教学辅助系统等,这些技术让教师的日常工作更加高效,也为学生提供了更加直观和有趣的学习体验。
3. 未来教育的愿景:焦教授用“AI是教育创新的钥匙”总结他的分享,并呼吁老师们积极拥抱技术,转向智能化教学模式,为学生提供更多元的学习机会。
Multidisciplinary Integration and Intelligent Exploration

Language teacher Tan Shan shared how to stimulate students' curiosity through large-unit teaching and inquiry-based learning, and create rich learning scenarios with the help of information technology; Ms. Chen Jia focused on the practice of mathematics teaching, demonstrating how cooperative group learning can enhance students' ability to solve real-world problems; and Ms. Liu Xuexin proved the value of contextual learning in cultivating language proficiency through the task-driven approach to English teaching.
Mr. Zheng Zelong, with "AI productivity" as the core, combined with his own teaching experience, showed how to use AI tools to improve teachers' work efficiency. His presentation was insightful and focused on the following points:
1. 多功能AI应用:从文本撰写到图片生成,从视频剪辑到音频制作,郑老师全面介绍了适合教育场景的AI工具,帮助教师在教学设计和课程开发中实现“快、准、省”。
2. 工具对比与选择:针对AI平台的多样性,郑老师通过详细的功能分析,指导教师根据自身需求选择“称手”的工具,真正做到高效赋能。
3. AI在教学中的潜力:他用“日日工业革命,夜夜文艺复兴”来形容AI对教学带来的变革与挑战,并鼓励教师们大胆尝试AI工具,将其融入到备课、评课、课堂教学等各环节中,为教育创新添砖加瓦。
How to make the generation of teaching materials more efficient and intelligent? Mr. Zheng Zelong gives an in-depth explanation on the application of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in education. Through case demonstrations, Mr. Zheng showed the powerful functions of GAI in rapidly generating instructional content, optimizing courseware design, and accurately translating multilingual resources. He also shared operational tips and tool recommendations to encourage teachers to use AI tools to improve the efficiency of resource development.
Ms. Hong Wanting conducted a training on "Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)", explaining in detail the functions of text generation, real-time meeting minutes, translation, dialog chat, one-click PPT generation, speech synthesis, text-to-picture conversion, etc., and demonstrating how to quickly generate efficient content through precise questioning in combination with practical scenarios, which can be applied to teaching tasks such as text generation, program writing, language optimization, and data analysis. Using practical scenarios, she demonstrates how to quickly generate efficient content through precise questioning, which can be applied to teaching tasks such as text creation, scenario writing, language optimization, and data analysis. At the same time, she also recommended a number of AI tools such as "Wenxin Yiyin" and "KIMI", encouraging teachers to use AI to optimize meeting minutes and video-to-text work. It provides new ideas for teachers to reduce burden and increase efficiency, and contributes to the development of intelligent education.
In Principal Zhang's closing remarks, the value of this sharing session was further sublimated: the deep integration of multidisciplinary pedagogical innovation exploration and AI technology lays the foundation for the school to build a new educational ecosystem under the new curriculum. The cold dew season, the late fall is getting cooler, but the enthusiasm of education is like the beginning.
The teachers of Huawai CEP Primary School are taking practical actions to draw inspiration and strength from new technologies, integrate intelligent teaching concepts, explore interdisciplinary teaching innovation, and deeply integrate AI technology, laying the foundation for the school to build a new educational ecology under the new curriculum standards, and creating a more colorful educational future for the comprehensive development of students!
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