
XJTLU Overview & key facts/学校概况 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is an international joint venture university founded by Xi’an Jiaotong University in China and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. As an independent Sino-foreign cooperative university, it captures the essence of both prestigious parent universities and is the largest of such universities approved by the Ministry of Education in China. 西交利物浦大学(XJTLU,简称“西浦”)是经中国教育部批准,由西安交通大学和英国利物浦大学合作创立的,具有独立法人资格和鲜明特色的新型国际大学。她是中国目前规模最大的中外合作大学,以理工管起步,强强合作,拥有中华人民共和国学士学位和英国利物浦大学学位授予权。 WORLD-CLASS PROGRAMMES The University currently offers approximately 100 degree programmes in the fields of science, engineering, business, finance, architecture, urban planning, language, culture and all are taught in English except for general and basic courses. Undergraduate students earn two degrees: an XJTLU degree from the Chinese Ministry of Education and a globally recognised degree from the University of Liverpool. Postgraduate students receive a University of Liverpool degree that is recognised by the Ministry of Education. All academic departments at XJTLU offer PhD opportunities, which help to fulfill XJTLU’s vision of “becoming a research-led international university in China and a Chinese university recognised internationally for its unique features”. 国际领先的高等教育 西交利物浦大学面向海内外招收本科生、研究生,目前已有包括48个本科专业、44个硕士专业和16个博士研究方向在内的108个学位项目,形成了涵盖理学、工学、管理学、经济学、建筑、城市规划与设计、人文社科、影视等的学科体系。大学课程除公共基础课外均采用全英文授课。本科毕业生同时获得中国教育部认可的西交利物浦大学本科毕业证书、学士学位证书和国际认可的利物浦大学学士学位证书。研究生可获得中国教育部认可的利物浦大学学位。西浦所有学术院系均设有博士专业,对研究生教育的持续投入和重视是西浦实现其“研究导向、独具特色、世界认可的中国大学和中国土地上的国际大学”愿景的必由之路。 TRANSFORMING HIGHER EDUCATION Since its establishment in May 2006, XJTLU has contributed to the development of higher education in China as well as developed its “Five-Star” model, through the implementation of which, it has continuously upgraded its student development system and management and operation mechanisms in response to demands. Over time, XJTLU has won wide recognition for its highly internationalised environment, advanced educational concepts and high-quality talent development. 引领高等教育变革 自 2006 年 5 月 23 日建校以来,西交利物浦大学经过十余年发展,探索并创造了独具特色的“五星”育人模式和学生发展体系,建立和完善了适合未来社会需要的现代大学管理和运行机制,打造了一支高水平的人才队伍。其独特的大学理念、高水准的人才培养质量和浓厚的国际化特色得到社会各界的广泛关注和认可,被誉为“中外合作大学的标杆”和“中国高等教育改革的探路者”。 LEARNING AND TEACHING With a focus on the ideology of a “happy life and successful career”, XJTLU bases its values upon diversity, discipline, innovation, liberty and trust. In keeping with trends, XJTLU, by virtue of a resilient management structure and innovative educational model, is able to integrate the cultural and educational essence of the west and the east to produce world citizens with international perspectives and competitiveness. It is exploring new models for higher education that will exert a strong influence on the development of education in China and the world. 独具特色的育人理念 西交利物浦大学以使师生“Happy life and successful career(幸福生活、成功人 生)”为核心理念,以保护和发展人类生存能力为核心目标,以多元、规则、创新、自由、信任为核心价值,利用其在治理结构和管理模式上的空间,直接面向世界和未来发展趋势,融合东西文化与教育精华,整合全球资源,探索高等教育新模式,培育有国际视野和竞争力的世界公民,以期影响中国乃至世界的教育发展。 CREATING GLOBAL CITIZENS XJTLU recruits the best students from China and abroad to both its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The University has more than 21,000 registered students, including those who are completing study at the University of Liverpool. XJTLU is committed to creating an internationalised environment in which education quality is stringently monitored and students are encouraged to manage their own lives, whilst being able to access the range of support services available at the University. At XJTLU, students are treated as young adults, which calls for them to be independent, self-motivated and cooperative. They are expected to develop into world citizens with international perspectives and competitiveness. 拥有国际视野的世界公民 西交利物浦大学目前有21000余国内外注册学生,其中包括在利物浦大学学习的学生。西浦拥有国际化的育人环境,严格的国际教学质量监控体系,以学生自治、学校引导服务为核心的学生工作体系及四大导师体系,大学将学生看做“年轻的成人”,以学生健康成长为根本、以兴趣为导向、以学习为中心,强调自主意识与团队精神,旨在培养知识、能力与素养兼备的具有国际视野和全球竞争力的世界公民。 AMBITIOUS GRADUATES When they graduate, XJTLU students’ ambitions and aspirations take them all over the world into jobs and further study. In 2019, over 85 percent of graduates planned to continue their studies in world-renowned universities (Masters and PhD), with 33.61% entering one of the world top ten universities and almost 78% percent receiving offers from universities ranking in the world top 100. Nearly 15 percent of the graduates work in Fortune 500 companies in China and the world. 具备全球竞争力的毕业生 西交利物浦大学的毕业生在世界各地继续深造或工作。2020届毕业生中,超过86%选择继续留学深造,其中38.10%进入世界排名前十的学府,80.36%进入世界排名前100的名校,更有7名学生获得牛津大学、曼彻斯特大学、西湖大学等知名大学的直博录取通知书。2020届选择直接就业的本科毕业生中,近28%就职于世界500强、中国500强、四大会计师事务所等国内外知名企业。 INTERNATIONAL FACULTY XJTLU upholds the same high standards as world-famous universities in hiring academic staff members. XJTLU cooperates with international head hunting companies to hire top academic talent from all over the world. It currently has more than 900 academic staff. All subject staff have to hold a doctorate degree from a well-known university and have rich teaching and research experience. 高水平国际师资 西交利物浦大学按照世界知名大学标准选聘师资,一直以来积极引进国际一流的专家学者,现有教研人员近1000人。专业课教师均具有国际知名大学博士学位和丰富的教学与科研经验。 STRATEGIC LOCATION Located in Suzhou, a city that has been known in China as ‘paradise on the earth’ since ancient times, XJTLU enjoys a beautiful environment where there is a harmonious coexistence between the city’s rich cultural traditions and its rapid economic development. Suzhou is one of the most developed cities in China. Suzhou Industrial Park, China’s equivalent of Silicon Valley and a hub of global innovation, houses a large cluster of Fortune 500 companies, transnational enterprises and R&D centres, not only providing favourable conditions for XJTLU’s ongoing development but also numerous internship and job opportunities for XJTLU students. 优越的区位与环境 西交利物浦大学坐落在素有“人间天堂”之称的千年古城——中国苏州,今天的苏州不仅保留了水陆并行的古城风貌和崇文重教的文化传统,同时又是一个与时俱进、对世界开放的现代化城市。近年来它的国民经济总产值以近15%的年增长率快速发展,其GDP长期保持在中国大陆城市的前五位,特别是其国际闻名的中国-新加坡苏州工业园区汇集着大量世界五百强和国际合作企业及研发机构,为坐落于其中的西交利物浦大学的持续发展提供了无与伦比的经济社会生态和广阔的发展空间。 PASSIONATE ABOUT RESEARCH XJTLU offers an intellectually exciting environment in which to conduct original research, recognising the importance of both fundamental and applied study in generating new knowledge and ways of thinking. With a focus on research-led learning, inherited from two highly regarded parent institutions, the University has constructed a series of first-class research facilities. In 2009, the University was selected by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) as a supporting unit and was chosen as a member unit of the national “863 Program” in 2012. 创建研究导向型大学 西交利物浦大学(西浦)以创建研究导向的国际大学为发展方向,整合两国三校资源,服务地方经济和社会发展,大学已经建成以生物科学实验室为代表的一批具有国际先进水平的实验室和一系列高水平研究中心,并于2009 年成为国家自然科学基金项目依托单位、2012年正式成为承担国家“863计划”科研课题的成员单位。 DELIVERING INNOVATION As of the end of 2021, XJTLU has been awarded a total of 389 research projects with over 123 million RMB funding amount at national, provincial and municipal levels. At the same time, the university works closely with the government, industries, research institutions in fields such as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, carrying out 269 in-depth collaborations with a total funding amount of more than 49 million yuan. In addition, the University has established internally funded programmes to motivate research at XJTLU. The total funding amount granted to XJTLU academics is about 34 million RMB. 发力科研 持续创新 截止2021年底,西交利物浦大学共获批国家、省、市各级政府的科研项目共计389项,获得各级政府拨款经费超1.2亿元。与此同时,西浦也与政府、企业、科研机构等各界在人工智能、大数据等多个领域紧密合作,共开展横向合作269项,合作金额超过4,900万元。此外,为进一步推动科研工作,西浦设立校内科研基金项目,资助总额约达3,400万元。








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