什么?1岁的小朋友徒步森林? I BMNA Forest Day - Hiking Adventure
The beginning of life is like a gentle lullaby, akin to a pure, unblemished background. In this tender and precious time, children's growth resembles seeds waiting to sprout, needing sunlight, rain, and vast open space. Hiking serves as a bridge that connects children to nature and to growth. It guides them beyond confined spaces toward a broader world, allowing them to feel the charm of nature, experience the joys and challenges of growing, and measure every inch of the earth with their footsteps.
Finnish forest education believes that the scents, light, and sounds of nature can make children grow stronger and healthier, while also creating a more harmonious and peaceful inner world for them. This is why they are always eager to let infants and young children embrace nature as early as possible.
Around the age of one, most children have begun to walk and have learned the basics of language communication. At this time, Polish parents often introduce small animals into their child’s world, such as watching colourful butterflies fluttering their wings, bright red ladybugs slowly crawling on green grass, or listening to the tireless songs of cicadas and crickets.
Turn Every Hike into a Small Adventure
Nowadays, our children have not walked through mountains and lakes, grasslands and deserts, or fields and farms. They have yet to truly experience the changing seasons, the shifts in weather, from sun to rain, from snow to clear skies. With cars, buses, electric bikes, and various other forms of transportation, the rare moments of walking are at most "strolls." For today’s children, prolonged walking has become a luxury. Thus, a single hike for them represents not only a challenging task and a test of their willpower but also a profound lesson in nature's teachings.
因此,彼一米森林托育学院带领1-2岁左右的宝宝们开启了一次富有意义的征程,开展了森林日课程 ——“徒步去旅行”。孩子们都喜欢旅行,因为在轻松愉快的旅途中能获得不一样的体验和经历。徒步就是用双脚行走的旅行,当每一次到达不同的目的地,就能获得不一样的体验。
Therefore, BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy has embarked on a meaningful journey with children aged 1 to 2 by introducing the "Hiking Adventure" as part of their Forest Day program. Children love to travel because, on relaxed and enjoyable trips, they gain unique experiences. Hiking is a journey taken on foot, and with each destination they reach, they gain a new experience.
Using the academy as a center point, we explore destinations suitable for toddler hikes within a two-kilometer radius, choosing locations by proximity. Teachers also discuss various seasonal themes to integrate with the curriculum, designing different hiking activities, such as hiking to the park to draw, play in the sand, collect fallen leaves for eco-projects in autumn, or observe plant changes in winter. Each activity brings unique rewards and experiences, allowing children to see sights they haven't seen and learn new things as they hike.
The Need for “Hiking”in Early Childhood
Science has proven that most children should start learning to walk after the age of one. Walking is the most fundamental movement for young children, and hiking is a simple and accessible activity for preschoolers. Hiking not only boosts physical fitness and strengthens heart and lung function but also enhances coordination, promotes mental health, and supports cognitive development. This activity helps refine character and strengthen willpower.
Changed in Physical Fitness and
Physical Condition
Physical development is an external indicator of a person's health, while physical fitness and psychological qualities form the material foundation of that health. The ability to adapt to the natural environment is a comprehensive reflection of a person's health, manifested in their resistance to cold and heat and their ability to fend off various pathogens. The implementation of hiking activities offers numerous benefits: it can increase children's leg strength, enhance cardiovascular and lung function, strengthen muscles and respiratory organs, and promote the formation of foot arches. Overall, hiking significantly improves physical fitness and enhances children's adaptability to the natural environment, aligning with the health education goals of kindergartens.
Changes in Psychological Qualities
Hiking activities have a positive impact on the development of children's psychological qualities. Hiking cultivates children's strong will, bravery, and resilience in the face of challenges, while also fostering a proactive, optimistic, and cooperative spirit. Through hiking activities, children can experience noticeable positive changes in their emotional well-being and perseverance.
Making Children Smarter
During hiking, children need to think about how to navigate loose soil, avoid low-hanging branches, or handle encounters with insects or animals blocking their path. In each situation, children must respond, and these quick decisions keep their brains agile.
Development of Abilities
Hiking activities not only exercise children's physical fitness and align with health education goals but also integrate content from various subjects such as social studies, language, and science. As children walk, they observe their surroundings, talk about what they see, meet various "friends" along the way, and learn the stories behind their experiences. Through this relaxed walking, children gain opportunities to develop their attention and observational skills, while also continuously improving their English verbal communication and expressive abilities.
Fun Things from the "Hike"
On this sunny autumn day, the children of BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy embarked on their first hiking adventure. Considering it was their first hike, we set the destination about one kilometer away from the academy. Along the way, the children were excited, holding onto their traction rope and curiously looking around at the scenery.
White birds flew across the lake, and little Eadon pointed at them, saying, "Bird, bird, fly, fly, fly," while imitating the motion of a bird in flight. Yellow leaves fell from the trees, and little William joyfully shouted, "It's raining, it's raining, it's—raining!"
The rumbling sound made all the children stop and look for its source. Little Andre pointed to the amusement park across the lake, saying "Hmm, hmm, hmm." When the teacher noticed this, she guided the children to pronounce, "Roller coaster." The other children gathered together, repeating, "Roller coaster, roller coaster, roller coaster," filled with curiosity about the amusement park across the lake.
Time flew by, and it felt like they hadn't walked for long before reaching their destination. The teacher laid out the picnic blanket, helped the children wash their hands, and the caregiver prepared snacks for them. While enjoying their snacks, the children admired their surroundings, listening to the sounds of the birds. Life felt so pleasant.
After the break, the foreign homeroom teacher, Jocelyn, took the children on an exploration of the forest. They drew on various stones using chalk —some children drew raindrops, others drew circles, and some drew cars. Through these simple lines, the children expressed a vibrant world filled with the innocence of childhood.
Conducting hiking activities is a way to cultivate children's strength and endurance. However, young children are different from adults; if hiking is approached solely from a fitness perspective, it may feel monotonous and uninteresting to them. Therefore, this hiking activity combined the Forest Day course with the hike, which sparked children's interest and delight in the activities. Hiking became more than just the sole purpose of the outing; its meaning and value were further expanded and enriched as a result.
When we observe hiking activities from the perspective of children's learning and development, we discover many valuable opportunities that benefit their growth. For instance, during hiking, children not only exercise their bodies but also face tests of willpower. In this hiking activity, not a single child complained of fatigue; they maintained a cheerful attitude and persevered to complete the entire journey, internalizing the lesson of not giving up and the importance of persistence. By stepping outside the kindergarten, children gained more opportunities to connect with nature and observe their surroundings, leading to new insights and experiences.
During the hike, both children and teachers moved forward together, supporting one another. This not only strengthened the children’s sense of community but also fostered bonds between peers and between teachers and students, creating a warm and inclusive group atmosphere. Hiking opened a door for the children—a door through which they could step from their small familiar spaces into a broader world. They learned to measure with their feet, touch with their hands, discover with their eyes, and experience with their hearts.
Childhood is brief and passes in the blink of an eye. Along the path of growth, we walk forward, face nature, and appreciate the scenery along the way, patiently awaiting each blossoming moment. Together, we accompany the children as they measure the earth with their steps, embedding the beauty of the journey into their memories of childhood.
撰文 Author: 易文静 Lily Yi
翻译 Translator: Holton Jocelyn Phoebe
一审 First Reviewer: 彭瑶 Tifanny Peng
终审 Final Reviewer: 刘可 Sara Liu
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