香港资优教育教师协会(Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers' Association)成立旨在推广香港资优教育教师的教学经验,提升香港教师的专业水平。为团结香港资优教育教师,香港资优教育教师协会从以下数个途径推动香港资优教育的发展﹕透过讲座和分享会,提供交流经验的平台。建立香港资优教育教师教学资源网上平台,供会员共享。组织教师分享大学、中学、小学资优生的心理辅导经验,关注香港青少年的成长。举办工作坊、冬夏令营和比赛活动,提升社会大众对创意、解难能力、批判思考及高阶思维的关注。组织及参与海内外的资优教育访问、交流团、会议、探访活动等,增加香港前线教师及社会人士对资优教育的认知。
G11 张同学
G11 王同学
G11 郭同学
On 12 October 2024, nine students of our school participated in the ‘The Greater Bay Area Gifted Book Report Competition 2024’, and gained good results.
The Greater Bay Area
Gifted Book Report Competition
The Greater Bay Area Gifted Book Report Competition is organised by the Hong Kong Association of Teachers of Gifted Education (HKATGE) for kindergarten K2-3, primary and secondary school students in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The aim of the competition is to cultivate students' interest and habit of reading and love of books; to complete reading reports and encourage students to record the books they have read, so as to enhance their interest in writing and thus improve their language skills.
The Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers' Association (HKGETA) was established with the aim of promoting the teaching experience of teachers of gifted education in Hong Kong and enhancing the professionalism of teachers in Hong Kong. In order to unite teachers of gifted education in Hong Kong, HKGETA promotes the development of gifted education in Hong Kong in the following ways: Providing a platform for exchange of experience through seminars and sharing sessions.
G11 Zhang
To tell you the truth, my heart was surprised when I received the results of this competition. Although I felt in my meditation that my creation was still commendable, I was proud of my work as the first gold medal in the category of creative writing in my life. At the same time, I need to thank the instructor of this piece, also my language teacher - Mr Ni Yuting. It was only through his recommendation that I learnt about the competition and participated. My love of literature will drive me to push the limits of my creativity and my writing again and again.
G11 Wang
First of all, I am doubly honoured to have won the gold medal in this competition. My relationship with literature began when I was very young. At that time, because I liked and admired my language teacher, I tried to learn the basic rules of the language, which laid a good foundation for my ability to express myself. I like to read, because it is like a private, deep soul exchange between me and the author. He has not seen me, I have not seen him, but our thoughts can be resonated in a certain moment.
G11 Guo
I am very honoured to have won the gold medal in this writing competition, and first of all I would like to express my gratitude to my teachers who supported me. This competition is a very valuable opportunity for me to calm down and learn as much as I can about a book. It is not only about the plot of the book, but also about the background of the book, the social phenomenon, and the profound topics that the author wants to explore through the book. I believe in the power of masterpieces across generations. Les Misérables' themes of suffering and justice are still relevant even today.
The enthusiastic participation of students in the Gifted and Talented Reading Report Competition contributes significantly to the enhancement of many aspects of reading, writing and expression skills. The Gifted and Talented Reading Report Competition aims to ignite students' passion for books, cultivate their good reading habits, and improve their overall language proficiency through writing in-depth reading reports.
From the perspectives of academic growth and further study planning, the Reading Report Competition builds a high-end platform for students to display their talents and broaden their horizons, exposing them to a wide range of knowledge fields and laying a solid foundation for their future academic paths. The experience of winning an award is a powerful catalyst for students' self-confidence and enthusiasm for learning, and becomes an important milestone on the road to higher education.
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