CISK Winter Show: A Resounding Success
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Last week, the CISK Winter Show was held with great success, offering audiences a feast for both the eyes and ears. This grand event was not only a showcase of our students' artistic talents but also a testament to community unity and festive celebration.
Primary and secondary school performers came together to demonstrate their exceptional artistic talents. From G1's rendition of "Jingle Bells" to the piano solo by G6, each performance was unforgettable.
The secondary school performances were equally impressive, with dances like "All I want for Christmas" by SK2 and the performance of "Paradise" by G9-10 showcasing the diversity and creativity of our students. The CISK Singers' rendition of "Let it go" brought the concert to a climax.
The concert concluded with a communal singing of "Wish you a Merry Christmas" by all teachers, students, and audience members, marking a perfect end to a joyful evening. Here, we extend our sincere gratitude to every performer, student, teacher, parent, and everyone who celebrated the artistic talents of our students with us during this wonderful season.
With the successful conclusion of the Winter Show, we are already looking forward to the next exciting performance. Let's continue to support and encourage our students to make their artistic journey even more brilliant.
来自小学和中学的才华洋溢表演者齐聚一堂,共同展现了卓越的艺术才华。从G1的《Jingle Bells》到G6的钢琴独奏,每一场演出都让人难以忘怀。
中学部的表演同样精彩,SK2的舞蹈《All I want for Christmas》和G9-10的《Paradise》等节目,展现了学生们的多样性和创造力。CISK Singers合唱团的《Let it go》更是将音乐会推向了高潮。
音乐会最终在全体师生及观众们共同高歌的《Wish you a Merry Christmas》中落下帷幕,为这个充满欢乐的夜晚画上了完美的句号。在此,我们衷心感谢每一位表演者、学生、老师、家长以及所有在这个美好季节里与我们共同庆祝学生艺术才华的人。
随着Winter Show的圆满结束,我们已经开始期待下一个精彩的演出。让我们继续支持和鼓励我们的学生们,让他们的艺术之路更加辉煌。
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