Competition Achievements | 中学部学子荣获2024年加拿大化学测评(初级)(JCCO)多项奖项
01-21 08:43

On 14th December 2024, the Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO), organised by ASEEDER, took place at ASJ (Dongguan), attracting 24 participants from our Secondary Department. We were also honoured to host the event as an offline test centre for the 2024 JCCO.
Our students excelled in this rigorous competition, with 17 out of the 24 participants receiving awards. This achievement resulted in an impressive 71% success rate, bringing great prestige to our school. These awards included 1 national gold award, 7 national silver awards, 3 national bronze awards, and 6 regional honourable awards.

The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO), organised by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), is one of the most authoritative junior chemistry assessments in Canada. As the preliminary assessment for the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad, the JCCO aims to inspire students' interest in chemistry and foster their understanding of the subject. The JCCO has allowed chemistry enthusiasts to experience the wonders of the field and engage in top-tier academic events in Canada.
加拿大化学测评(初级)(Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad,简称JCCO)由加拿大化学学会(Chemical Institute of Canada,简称CIC)主办,是加拿大学术性最权威的初级化学测评之一。JCCO作为加拿大化学奥林匹克的初阶测评,肩负着培养化学优生对化学奥林匹克的认知和兴趣的使命。此次JCCO的引入,为更多化学爱好者提供了体验化学魅力和加拿大顶级化学学术活动的机会。

In preparation for the competition, our school's chemistry teachers, Ms. Tiffany YIN and Ms. Jim ZHANG, organised pre-competition training for the students. They explained the types of questions and addressed students' inquiries with patience. The teachers' expert guidance significantly contributed to the students' excellent results.
In recognition of their dedication, ASEEDER honoured both teachers with the title of "Outstanding Competition Coaches."

We look forward to more students engaging in science competitions in the future, bravely exploring broader fields of knowledge. By mastering solid foundational knowledge and nurturing a keen curiosity for science, we hope they will achieve continued success in various academic pursuits!
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