01-21 08:29
At the end-of-term winter concert this semester, an elementary school dance performance titled "Brother" made a stunning debut at Huayao Collegiate. Performed by fifth- and sixth-grade students, the piece captivated the audience with its profound theme, moving expression, and exquisite artistry.
Given its tremendous success and widespread acclaim, "Brother" was reprised on January 14th, with preschool students and their parents invited as special guests. Once again, the performance was met with warm responses and high praise.

《Brother》的诞生源于学生们对全球战事的讨论。作为艺术教育的一部分,小学舞蹈老师Ms. Joy将舞蹈的专业性融入每一个环节,从灵感捕捉、主题选择、艺术形式设计,到最终舞台上的完美呈现。通过结合戏剧元素和舞蹈动作,《Brother》不仅仅是一场视觉盛宴,更是一次关于人性、和平以及兄弟情谊的深度探讨。

作为《Brother》的编舞与导演,Ms. Joy说道,“在创作《Brother》时,我选择通过两兄弟的故事来探讨反战的主题。我希望孩子们能够以他们自己的方式理解并表达对和平的渴望和对战争的反思。因此,我决定让这个故事主要依靠肢体语言而不是言语来讲述,这样可以跨越语言障碍,使年龄更小的学者们更直观地感受到作品想要传达的信息。”

为了增强情感表达,Ms. Joy选择了歌曲《Brother》作为背景音乐。这首曲子不仅旋律动人,其歌词也深刻地反映了兄弟间的情感纽带,这为舞蹈增添了一层额外的情感深度,帮助观众更好地沉浸在故事中。
编舞过程中,Ms. Joy巧妙地融合了现代舞和街舞元素,并加入了生活化的肢体语言,使舞蹈既具观赏性又易于理解。群舞部分强调统一性和力量感,而双人舞则注重角色之间的互动和个人表达。特别是G6的两位男主角——Max Sun和Daniel Qian,他们通过细腻的动作诠释了兄弟之间复杂的关系。


除了舞蹈肢体内容与作品表达的学习,Ms. Joy还和学生共同赏析了三部不同时期的舞剧——从古典芭蕾《斯巴达克》到现代芭蕾《绿桌》,再到中国舞剧《永不消逝的电波》,让学生们感受舞蹈的多样表达方式。这种跨时代的欣赏不仅拓宽了他们的视野,也加深了他们对舞蹈艺术的理解。

The creation of "Brother" began with the students' discussions about global conflicts. As part of their arts education, elementary school dance teacher Ms. Joy brought professionalism to every stage of the process—from capturing inspiration, selecting themes, and designing artistic forms to delivering a flawless performance. By blending elements of drama with dance movements, "Brother" became not only a visual feast but also an in-depth exploration of humanity, peace, and brotherhood.

As the choreographer and director of "Brother," Ms. Joy said, "When creating 'Brother,' I chose to explore the theme of anti-war through the story of two brothers. I wanted the children to understand and express their desire for peace and reflect on war in their own way. So, I decided to tell this story primarily through body language rather than words. This approach transcends language barriers and allows younger students to more intuitively grasp the message the work intends to convey."

To enhance emotional expression, Ms. Joy selected the song "Brother" as the background music. The song's melody is moving, and its lyrics deeply reflect the bond between brothers, adding an extra layer of emotional depth to the dance and immersing the audience more fully in the story.
In the choreography, Ms. Joy skillfully combined elements of contemporary dance and hip-hop with everyday gestures. This made the dance both visually appealing and easy to understand. The ensemble divs emphasize uniformity and power, while the duets focus on character interaction and personal expression. Notably, two sixth-grade male leads—Max Sun and Daniel Qian—delicately portrayed the complex relationship between brothers through their nuanced movements.

Every detail on stage was meticulously designed to support the storytelling. For example, sunflowers symbolize hope; ropes represent constraints; and blindfolds imply the blindness of war. These symbolic props allow the audience to delve deeper into the meaning behind the dance as they enjoy the performance.

Beyond learning the physical aspects of the dance and its expressive intent, Ms. Joy guided the students in appreciating three ballets from different eras: the classical ballet "Spartacus," the modern ballet "The Green Table," and the Chinese dance drama "The Eternal Wave." This cross-era appreciation not only broadened their horizons but also deepened their understanding of dance as an art form.
To help the children better embody their roles, each student wrote a biography for their character, crafting the story behind the persona through words. These biographies gave each role a vivid soul and a sense of conviction, helping the students truly step into their performances. As a result, every moment of running or searching on stage was imbued with genuine emotion and profound reflection.

参与《Brother》演出的学生们来自不同年级,在排练过程中学会了如何协作完成一项复杂的任务。从最初的不自信到最终完美呈现,每一个孩子都在这个过程中获得了宝贵的经验。正如Max Sun所言:“一开始我对自己的表现感到不确定,但经过不断练习后,我逐渐找到了状态。”

值得一提的是,双人舞部分由两位男主角在Ms. Joy老师的指导下共同编创。这不仅增强了他们的责任感和成就感,也加深了他们对作品意义的理解。《Brother》是一部源自学生内心感悟的作品,通过舞蹈创作展现出来,既是艺术创作,也是他们内心世界的深刻表达。

“老师经常让我们想象如果战争真的发生在这里,你会怎么表达?这种引导帮助我们更好地融入角色,让观众有身临其境的感觉。”Daniel Qian回想起创作过程这样表达。通过对人物的理解与感受,“兄弟俩”结合音乐,运用编创技法完成自己的肢体表达,而不仅仅是模仿。这不仅提升了他们的创造力和自主性,也让主角更加生动和富有个性。



The students participating in the performance of "Brother" come from various grades and have learned how to collaborate on a complex task during rehearsals. From initial uncertainty to the final polished presentation, each child gained invaluable experience along the way. As Max Sun put it, "At first, I was unsure about my performance, but after continuous practice, I gradually found my rhythm."

Notably, the duet divs were co-created by the two male leads under the guidance of Ms. Joy. This not only bolstered their sense of responsibility and achievement but also deepened their understanding of the work's significance. "Brother" is a piece that stems from the students' inner reflections and is brought to life through dance creation—a testament to both artistic expression and a profound representation of their inner worlds.

"Ms. Joy often asks us to imagine how we would express ourselves if war really happened here. This kind of guidance helps us better immerse ourselves in our roles and gives the audience a sense of being there," Daniel Qian reflected on the creative process. By understanding and feeling their characters, the "two brothers" combined music with choreographic techniques to complete their own physical expressions rather than merely imitating movements. This approach not only enhanced their creativity and autonomy but also made the protagonists more vivid and distinctive.

Furthermore, all members of the backstage crew were students from Grades 5 and 6. This not only provided them with greater insight into theater but also taught them that the allure of theatrical arts lies in the collective wisdom and collaboration of a group. The success of a performance relies not only on the performers on stage but also heavily on the efforts and dedication of those working behind the scenes. From lighting design and curtain control to multimedia playback, every aspect was handled by the students themselves, ensuring the smooth operation of the performance through their comprehensive involvement.

Beyond its artistic success, "Brother" carries significant social responsibility. It guides the younger generation to pay attention to global issues and encourages them to express their views on these matters in their own ways. To allow more children to understand the importance of peace, "Brother" had a second public performance. On this occasion, the audience was filled with young children and their parents from Huayao Collegiate's preschool. For these tender minds, this was not only a lesson in art education but also a crucial part of life education.
Huayao Collegiate has always been committed to providing students with high-quality arts education, offering courses in dance, drama, music, and creative arts. We uphold the principle of professionalism and continuously explore innovative teaching methods. The successful performance of "Brother" is a concrete manifestation of this philosophy. Through this piece, we not only showcased the exceptional artistic talents of the children but also underscored the powerful influence of dance as an art form.
At Huayao Collegiate, we believe that arts education is more than just the imparting of skills; it is an enlightenment of the soul. We aim to convey an important message to all our students: art is a way for expressing emotions and conveying thoughts. Whether it's the shining moments on stage or the silent efforts behind the scenes, everyone finds their own value and meaning in this process.
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