Join Us for The Collaborative Project Exhibition|诚邀参加画展
The Collaborative Project
is an exhibition curated by ISNS’s graduating class of 2025 art students
Featuring 21 artworks, ISZAF (the International Shenzhen Artists Forum) collaborated with international artists within Shenzhen to create a diverse, unique and once in a lifetime exhibition experience.
Artists including members of the ISNS staff were challenged with the task of creating half of an artwork, then switching canvases with another artist who would then complete the piece.
Reflections from Curators
The biggest challenge I faced throughout the curation process was making sure that the exhibition was suitable for all ages since the ISNS student body ranges from K2-grade 12. I expressed that the most enjoyable part of this process was creating the poster to promote the exhibition due to the fact that I were able to transfer my graphic design skills developed both during art class and within extracurricular activities. Moreover, I commented that the experience helped me develop my communication skills and boosted my artistic confidence, Team collaboration helped us be more efficient.
- Art Student Polina Lemeshko
Insights from ISNS Artists
The Collaborative Exhibition is a very valuable opportunity for our grade 12 students, through allowing them to work with professional artwork and artists to create an exhibition that goes beyond just the ISNS community they are building important skills that will help them in the real world. Throughout this process the students have displayed great imitative in taking charge of their roles in the exhibition while also utilizing our on-campus resources.
-Gloria Carnevale
(MYP/DP Visual Art Teacher)
The biggest challenge she faced was incorporating parts of herself as an artist into the artwork, knowing that it would soon be impacted by someone else's identity and aesthetic. She struggled with trying to create and maintain unity within the artwork because of how diverse her and her partner’s art styles are. Through including patterns in her piece, she was able to successfully complete the piece and reincorporate her personal aesthetics while being mindful of her partner.
-Laura Fernandes
(PYP Visual Art Teacher)
My favorite aspect of creating the artwork was when I got the chance to work with the other artists at The Absolute Music and Art gathering that happened in May. During the event I found that the atmosphere was very good for my productivity and passion.
-Marjorie Hernandez Aliaga
(MYP Visual Art Teacher)
The art and music event was a fun and energetic way to connect with both musical and visual artists. Once I started working and joining other artists to create together, it was one of the most inspiring and motivating art experiences I have had in a long time!
Although art is often a personal journey, I thoroughly enjoyed my recent collaborative challenge with ISZAF. It was exciting to see all the different styles and ideas on every art piece created during this ISZAF challenge.
Participating in the 'Absolute Music and Art Gathering' has been such an enriching experience. The collaborative energy really allowed me to connect with fellow artists, and the fun night left me feeling excited about new possibilities.
To make art requires not only passion but also effort and planning. During this collaboration project, I learnt the magic of adding my ideas to someone else’s job.
- Poster designed by Polina L.(G12 student)
TIME :Friday November 15th at 7pm
LOCATION:Exhibition space at ISNS
We welcome you to join us in celebrating local talents and our grade 12 ISNS students.
TIME :November the 15th-29th
LOCATION:Exhibition space at ISNS
There will also be an opportunity for you, the community, to support ISNS through purchasing stickers and post cards on the night of the premiere.
Open to ISNS Students & Teachers
TIME :November 15th-29th
(from 8:10AM- 3:30PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and from 8:10AM-2:15PM on Wednesdays)
LOCATION:Exhibition space at ISNS
Written by G12 student Mikhaela B.
-G12 Art Student Polina Lemeshko
-Gloria Carnevale
-Laura Fernandes
-Marjorie Hernandez Aliaga
上午8:10 -下午2:15)
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