On January 14, a delegation from the Hong Kong Education Convergence visited Shenzhen Kingfan Hong Kong Children School. They toured the campus to review facility upgrades and provided guidance on our work for the first semester of the 2024-25 academic year.
During the exchange, Principal Yau, Vice Principal Sarah Wat, and Assistant Principal Minnie Lam provided updates on the school's operations, teaching, and student management, and shared the challenges faced.
Supervisor Li Li emphasized the urgent need for our school to focus on building the teaching staff and supporting professional development.
在此过程中,评议会专家们对鲸帆在过去一学期取得的显著进步和发展给予了高度评价,并就未来发展提出了宝贵的意见和建议。专家们表达了对我校工作的大力支持与信心,明确表示将持续为鲸帆的发展提供全方位的专业指导与帮助,为学校迈向Band 1行列奠定了坚实的基础。这一交流不仅进一步加深了鲸帆与香港教育评议会的深度合作,也为学校未来的发展注入了强大的动力与支持。
The Education Convergence experts praised Kingfan's progress and offered valuable advice for future growth. They expressed strong support and committed to providing continued guidance, helping lay the foundation for Kingfan to become a Band 1 school. This exchange strengthened our collaboration and boosted the school's development.
Founded in 1994, the Hong Kong Education Convergence focuses on education research and reform. Since 2019, it has closely supported our school by providing talented staff, organizing professional development for teachers, and helping our students engage in Hong Kong school activities, contributing to our growth.
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